Get ready to feel inspired and energised: Kim Hartwell
Looking for some inspiration on your wellness journey? Whether you’re at the start of your wellbeing journey or already a full-fledged fitness fanatic you will not want to miss the chance to meet the contagiously uplifting Kim Hartwell in July in Monte-Carlo.
Kim is an international model, personal trainer, yoga teacher and travel and wellness blogger (at tonewhatyouown.com). She has also recently launched her own brand of adventure retreats, “Rock & Soul Adventures” which combines rock climbing, yoga and outdoor adventure. Kim’s ethos in life is “Tone What You Own” which stems from the belief that everyone, no matter what shape or size, has the ability to tone what they own and be the best version of themselves.
Photo: @kimhartwell
In Your Element, Monaco’s first wellness event, is so excited to be welcoming Kim to the stage (aka the beach front) as she has a natural gift to make anyone wanting to change bad habits into long lasting lifestyle changes. You will leave her classes feeling energised, uplifted and ready to take on change for the better!
Photo: @dominic_marley
Not only is she a great health and fitness guru, Kim also has a passion for saving the beautiful planet we live on which is definitely something we will be getting behind at the festival too (stay tuned for more information). Kim believes together we can save the nature we’re privileged enough to live alongside of.
We sat down with Kim after an invigorating workout session and asked her some quick questions about her life. We absolutely loved her life mantra: “The grass isn’t greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it.” This is so true and an important remind for many of us. Look after yourself, find balance, do things that make YOU feel happier, believe in yourself and you’ll find that you will stop comparing your life to others.
Photo: @kimhartwell
Kim, what’s the one thing you can’t live without? Rock climbing. Music. My hubby – Sorry that’s 3 things!!
Tell us one fun fact about you – I was Christened on a Naval Ship (HMS Andromeda) because my Dad was a Naval sailor.
Do you have any guilty pleasures? – Anything and all things caramel and wine.
3 things on your bucket list to do – 1. See South America. 2. Buy and kit out a campervan. 3. Climb El Capitain.
And finally, we asked Kim what she does to make her feel great and be IN HER ELEMENT…
“I am in my element when…I’m rock climbing, surfing, hiking or doing yoga in the great outdoors – preferably somewhere beautifully exotic.”
Come and meet Kim Hartwell and join one of her amazing fitness sessions at In Your Element and ask her any of your own questions on the 6th or 7th July in Monte Carlo